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新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19) への対応について


(Update 2020.11.28)






(Update 2020.4.6)

Dj's Bar Cave 臨時休業のお知らせ






Dj's Bar Cave Notice of temporary closure.


Due to the spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), Due to a request for self-restraint from the

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we decided to suspend the business temporarily.

The following period will be temporarily closed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Period] From April 6, 2020 to the time being

The period is undecided based on the social situation. We will announce it again when it is changed.

(Update 2020.3.30)



1. 場内各所の消毒液の設置。
2. スタッフのマスク着用、手洗い・うがい・消毒を徹底しています。
3. 定期的な場内の清掃、換気に努めています。

1. エントランスにに消毒液を設置しておりますので、ご入場時のご利用をお願いいたします。
2. 咳エチケット(咳、くしゃみの際は、ハンカチやティッシュ等で口と鼻を被い、他の人から顔をそらす、背を向ける等)

3. 参加される方はあくまで自己責任となります。発熱・咳・全身痛等の症状がある場合、ご来店をお控えください。







Regarding our countermeasures for the Novel Corona Virus

We are making efforts to collect accurate information released from the government, local municipalities and related institutions regarding the domestic occurrence of the Novel Corona Virus. We are taking the following measures with great attention to prevent the spread of the infection.

1. We have installed disinfectant dispensing devices.
2. All staff members are having mask on the face and instructed to wash and sanitize their hands and gargle regularly.
3.Before the opening of each event and during the event, We disinfect restrooms, bar counters, etc.

[To our guests]
1. Make sure to sanitize your hands with disinfectant at the entrance when entering the venue.
2. Please be mindful when coughing., We request that you wear a mask if you have symptoms of coughing and sneezing.
3. If you have symptoms such as fever, coughing, aching joints, etc., please stay home and seek medical advice by

 contacting medical institutions prior.
4. If you begin to feel sick at the venue, we kindly request that you immediately inform to our staff.

Please check  website of Ministry of Health, Labour and welfare for COVID-19.

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